Meet the Success Teachers |
MISSION Ninth graders are adolescents undergoing difficult transition from middle school to high school. We believe that the establishment of the Pirate Success Academy will help students with this transition. Further, it is the mission of the Pirate Success Academy to help all Academy students stay in school, earn appropriate credits, and pass grade level exit tests such as the Ohio Graduation Test. This Success Academy serves as a bridge that spans the rough waters of adolescence, preparing students to recognize their unique abilities so that they can excel academically and socially.
Purpose · To develop a supportive high school environment that will enable freshman to academically achieve. · To work together to personalize and individualize the learning environment for each student. · To build a strong climate of caring and support for students and staff. · To share information and resources and provide each other with collegial support. · To coordinate instruction and curriculum across academic disciplines. ·
To provide students with a constructive and united front on discipline
and attendance.
The pirate Success Academy will ensure smooth sailing for all incoming freshman!
1. Students will develop and preside over progress conferences with their parents. 2. Students will present a final project and/or experiment at the end of the school year. 3. Students will take part in planning, participating in field trips along career choices. 4.
Students will build and maintain a portfolio of work that demonstrates
their learning progress.
Program Goals 1. 100% of freshmen will pass all classes and be promoted to sophomore standing with appropriate number of credits that will keep them on track to graduate with their class. 2. 100% of freshmen will be prepared through this year to pass all grade level exit tests. 3. The Pirate Success Academy will teach and evaluate essential skills needed for district and state assessments across the curriculum. 4. The Pirate Success Academy will meet and exceed state attendance standards. 5. The Pirate Success Academy will help to develop intrinsic motivation within academy students. 6. Students will be recognized for their outstanding work. 7. The Pirate Success Academy will establish a discipline plan to foster success of our students. 8.
The Pirate Success Academy will promote regular communication with parents
and guardians.
English Success Department | |||||
Math Success Department | |||||
Science Success Department | |||||
Social Studies Success Department | |||||
Business Success Department | |||||
Physical Education Success Department | |||||
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